BzzAgent Campaign – Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza
This past weekend we were given the opportunity to try New Brick Oven pizza by Red Baron. BzzAgent sent us a coupon for a free pizza, for the purpose of an honest review. For our first Pizza we chose Sausage Supreme. It was absolutely delicious! It has this pizza sauce that is a bit sweet, but not too sweet. It was on this yummy seasoned crust. I am not sure exactly what seasoning was on this crust, but it was so flavorful that I couldn’t get enough of it!!! The toppings were bold, flavorful green peppers (I normally don’t like green peppers, but these were delicious), semi crispy onions and it was paired with this flavor bursting savory sausage that was to die for. The combination of the ingredients was just perfect!! All of them together creating a flavor bomb in your mouth. Amazing! I was so surprised when taking my first bite! I seriously cannot pick my favorite part about this pizza. It’s better than restaurant pizza. It’s better than any store bought pizza I have ever tried as well. For those who do not like supreme pizza. I have never liked it. EVER! I highly recommend you try this one though. I quickly fell in love with the amazing flavors!

The second Red Baron Brick oven pizza that we tried (Full price because we wanted to try two of them) was the Meat Trio. It has a bit less sweeter sauce. More like a normal pizza sauce. It had savory sausage, greasy pepperoni (because we all love greasy pepperoni!) and ham. The ham, in my opinion was kind of bland. It didn’t taste funny, or horrible, it just didn’t seem to have much flavor. However, the sausage and pepperoni made up for that. I would have loved to have seen bacon on this as well, and it been made just an all out meatlovers. I think that bacon would have rounded it out well. The cheese was flavorful as well. This crust was crispy, but wasn’t seasoned like the other crust, so I didn’t like it quite as much. Overall the pizza was rich in flavor, however, I didn’t favor it as much as the supreme. I highly recommend these pizzas over any other frozen pizzas I have ever tried. They are pretty danged good! You can usually find them in your local store. Check it out. You’ve got nothing to lose!
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