Thursday, June 4, 2015

Greenwald's Glass & Hard Surface Cleaner Review

This glass cleaner is pretty amazing. It even works better than other brands that will remain nameless.

To use this cleaner, you drop one dissolving pack into the bottle, then add warm water. You shake/swirl until the packet is completely dissolved. No messing with nasty chemicals, just a packet! This comes with 6 packs as well. So unless you are doing some SERIOUS window cleaning, one set will last a little while. This mixes well, as it should. The instructions are clear on the bottle as well. This way you don't have to keep an extra piece of paper lying around for no good reason! I love that - as I hate clutter lol.

The first thing I noticed when spraying it, is that it doesn't smell like harsh chemicals. This is a good thing for someone like me who gets migraines if cleaners smell too strong.

I also noticed after using this, that it leaves no residue or streaks. I am a freak when it comes to streaks, or a nasty film on whatever I have cleaned. This doesn't do that, so I am completely satisfied. I have no issues with this, and I believe it is a high quality product!

I received this for the purpose of an honest review. All opinions you read here are my own and are not influenced in any way.

If you would like to purchase this, you can do so below.

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