Sunday, June 21, 2015

ORGANIC Mice Repellent Spray Review by Eco Defense Review

This Mice repellent spray is pretty handy. My husband decided to use this under the house, because he wasn't sure how safe it would be for our animals. Within a few days, we have noticed that that the cat has been bringing less mice to us. We're hoping that this means that the spray is working, not that he is just getting fat and lazy LOL.

This spray came pre mixed, so we didn't have to deal with it at all. Just spray and go. My husband didn't notice any odor or anything when using it either. This is an organic spray, and is supposed to be safe for children and animals, so I wasn't too worried about it. He's just paranoid lol.

The great thing, unlike poison, this is supposed to REPEL mice. This doesn't kill them and leave their nasty corpses around your house, or in your walls. This makes them go away. Meaning you don't have to deal with them anymore at all.

Overall this is a great mouse repellent as near as I can tell. I highly recommend it. I received this for free for the purpose of an honest review. My opinion is my own and is not influenced in any way.

If you'd like to purchase this mouse repellent spray, please do so below -

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